Version 0.13

Welcome to the first devlog update! This game has already been in post-jam development for a few weeks, so I'll record all my prior progress here:

Version 0.7 (Jam release)
- Key forging mechanics and six levels
- Dungeon locks implemented, but they break regular locks
- Level five has at least two unintended solutions and suffers from the aforementioned bug

- More tutorial levels needed
- Forge animations broken, so nobody can tell what the "orange things" are
- Debug skip left in by mistake

Version 0.12 (First post-jam update)
Lots of new levels, divided into two days. Day 1 teaches key forging and pits and has 9 levels, while Day 2 will focus on dungeon locks and currently has 3 levels.
- More tutorial levels added
- Pits implemented and used to fix level 5 (now level 1/9)
- Unlocking system reworked - normal gold locks work as intended now
- Quiet sound added for moving
- Forge animations work now
- Debug skip removed

Version 0.13
- Slight changes to messages at the start of the game; message at the start of each day
- level 2/2 made smaller and much less cluttered - hopefully more fun to figure out now instead of being a chore

Known bugs:
- Sounds that would trigger during an illegal move are still played despite the turn being cancelled.
- Dungeon locks don't work properly if you push a key through a lock and unlock it partway- the key fragments which are pushed through will still be part of the player despite being separated. This doesn't break any current levels but might need to be fixed in the future.
- Dungeon locks don't make a sound when unlocked if there are no door tiles attached.

Coming soon:
- More levels about the red dungeon locks to round out Day 2, with less box spam and more focus on interesting puzzle design
- Plans for Day 3 and Day 4 are already in the works - I might post teasers later when I have polished graphics
- Might redo key shapes/colors to make them more distinct.


The Dungeon Keysmith's Apprentice(13).html Play in browser
Jun 25, 2021

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